
Law hub is a platform created to bring in all the lawyers, law firms and law tutors in around Sri Lanka and make it easier for their clients to select the most appropriate lawyers based on the information listed in our platform with their consent. is a directory platform created and owned by Pvt Ltd and is designed for Lawyers, law firms and Law tutors in and around Sri Lanka to maintain their professional career profiles and connect with their clients and students easily. The platform helps them to list their details in the profile and receive inquiries from clients and students.

The platform is created in a way through which the clients can filter their search as for the preference and find the best lawyer, law firm for their requirement.

Amazingly not only this, but also, we have the blog where we discuss and share information, guidelines and tips about Law which may be useful for all our visitors.


We share information, tips through our platform


Best law tutors for law students


Here are the lawyers currently practicing in and around Sri Lanka

Free Consultation

You will receive consultancy without paying any fee


The best person for you is just in your fingertips with our search option


If you want more inquiries to you law firm or the tuition, we are here to advertise.

Law Firms

The best law firms in and around Sri Lanka for all your law solutions.


Visitors can send inquiries to all the listed Lawyers, Law firms and Tutors at any time of the day